Sunday, September 25, 2011

~*~ The Proverbial Sheet~*~

They met at noon
the sun was shining bright
He felt it was right!

He promised her the sun
but soon it was gone

He promised her the moon
but an eclipse came too soon

He promised her his heart beat 
himself complete
a life of love so sweet
his heart was her utter seat
his world was at her feet
 no deceit
"Just be mine", he would entreat!
promises produced at the heat
of a moment neat!
then soon...
she was left sorrowfully alone
as all turned out to be 
nothing more than a history!
mere words on a proverbial sheet! 

Sun: 27-10-1432/ 25-9-2012
10:03 PM
All Rights Reserved @Nisreen (Nisro) 


  1. This is what we called drawing a painting with words, you’ve drawn it in a way that makes the reader lives it and deeply feel it. This is the peak of poetry influence. Personally, I felt that I’m in the middle of the scene you produced. This is the utmost eloquence of poetry when making your reader feels that the poem was meant for him personally.


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