(to my dear silent friend M.S. )
How long ago did we meet?
How long ago did we start
sharing this heartbeat?
one should count
not moments in between
not the formal greeting
the hi
and the goodbye!
not the accentuated promises
that we would try
to keep in touch
for long....just hush!
oh no...
that should be forever shelved
suitable to be delved
into !
not be counted
or recounted
as I and you
a bound that behooves
not the blind!
One of a kind,
to be sure...
that has engulfed our very shore ;)
How long ago did we meet?
in moments neat!
& memories elite!
we met...
a century of words
of awfully loudly silent rewards!
we met...
at the very tip of the proverbial pen
where a sin is not entirely a sin!
we met....
while utterances were dripping
lines were slipping
and rhymes
were enchantingly flipping!
And we couldn't hold them still
as they breathed into our very cell!
Dear friend,
let me ask again...
How long ago did we meet?
do you remember this beat?
before the silent retreat!? ;)
Frid:8/12/1432- 4/11/2011
All Rights Reserved @ Nisro
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