I had it for years
For centuries past
Still I hold it tight
Hoping to keep it to the last.
You can have it now
& rescue me from the hammering sound !
Dance with it around
I no longer care..,
I'd dare ...
To stare !
& watch it bloom
Happy as it found n you a room
Just for a while ..
A little more
And I have to take it back
To its safe shore!
A little more
A little more
And a while
The beating weakens
The chambers are laced with tiles
A little while ..
The sound is lost
The fluttering of emotions dazed
A living being is hazed!
A little while
Another victim is added to the pile!
I told you
I had it for centuries
I kept safe!
Lonely as hell
But loneliness never led it
To the grave!
Wed: 28 /8/1433
18 July (7) 2012
9:14 am
(inspired by reading poems by Billy Collins)